Prayer is Your Horsepower

A horsepower is the power of one horse or a measure of the rate at which a horse can do work. Years ago, when engines were being developed, their ability to do work were compared with the workability of horses. A ten-horsepower engine, for example, could do the work of ten horses. The more horsepower an engine has, the more powerful it is. Just like a prayer. A consistent prayer life results in a more powerful walk on this earth. In order to win at the race of life (and every single event of life), your daily activities must be consistently backed up by prayer.
I ate, drank, breathed, and slept horsepower my entire life. When I got hooked up with the Holy Spirit, God revealed to me that Prayer is the true horsepower. It's the absolute power to the spirit of your engine.
God is very explicit about prayer. It is very easy to pray to God, and very easy to move His hands in your favor, but what happens is that people cancel their prayers through ignorance. They cancel it by getting their five physical senses involved. To know what prayer is, you have to know what prayer isn’t. It is not an emotional release; it is not a feeling. It is not rolling the dice, and it is not, “well, I’ve tried everything else, I guess I’ll try prayer.” That is a bunch of bunk. When people say they are going to try to pray or try to get better--that is a weak excuse for their ability. Just do it. Don’t ever say you are going to try to get better, that is the fear of succeeding. Just do it, and do not return to your own vomit.
"As a dog returns to his own vomit, so a fool repeats his folly." (Prov. 26:11)
Prayer is an absolute command from God. When you take that prayer from God and put it into action, you will manifest blessings in your life.
"Confess your trespasses to one another, and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much." (James 5:16 )
Prayer causes you to know the heart of God. The perfect example was Jesus. He spent hours alone with God, and look at His results and His ministry. It was successful, and yours can be too.