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Testimony Time

Testimonies build your faith. Revelations 12:11 says, " And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony." When you are going through a challenge it is so important to remember what God has done for you. Hebrews 13:8 "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever." What He did for you or someone else, He will do the same for you now.

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Waiting for God

Paris Smith

Paris Smith has been acting since she was 7 years old. She has been on shows such as Every Witch Way, Modern Family, Speechless, etc.               

For three years Paris has faithfully attended Bible study and mentorship with Sammy Maloof.

Many times Paris had roles she could have taken, but through mentoring with Sammy he taught her to pray and ask God which roles she should take. If you involve God in your decisions He will shut the doors to the things you are not to be involved with. God will open up doors no man can open. He says to be anxious for nothing. Through prayer and waiting on the Lord to hear which roles to take, Paris Booked a major lead role in a major television program!! God blessed her over and above.

To watch Paris' full testimony go here 

Overcoming the fear of Public Speaking

Tina Schnieder

Tina Schneider had the biggest fear of public speaking to the point where she would just about have a panic attack if she was called up to speak. 

​As a business owner of Spin 360 Core Fitness in Glendora, an advocate for the WINGS program and actively involved with powerful business woman who fund raise, Tina was required to speak in front of a large amount of people.

Sammy helped Tina through her fear by first praying with her and then taking her to the extra step. Every week Tina was at Bible Study, Sammy would call her up to the front to speak a testimony. He taught her to act upon her desire to get over the fear of public speaking and to face fear head on. 

​Now Tina can feel very comfortable when called to public speaking and she is free from all fear!!!  Watch her full testimony 

​James 2:26 "For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also."

Eric Carouche

God will Provide

Before Eric left for his vacation up north to the mountains, the people that owned the place he was going to, told him there weren't many fish this time and that he might want to reconsider coming. Eric had been coming to Sammy’s Bible Study and heard him teach about "all things are possible to him who believes and with man it is impossible, but not with God because with God ALL things are possible." Mark 9:23 & Matthew 19:26.  

Eric knew in his heart that God would provide him with his heart's desire so he decided to continue on with his plans for fishing. Not only did Eric believe that God would provide for him, but before he left Eric purchased the biggest cooler the store carried—55 gallons! It was a good thing he did, because Eric caught a 97lb Rainbow trout!

Eric Carouche

Susana Rodriguez

Believing Gods Report

When Susana was young the doctors told her she could never lift anything that was heavy and as she grew up it was going to progress. Growing up Susana's parents and family would never allow her to carry heavy things.  She had trouble just trying to push open a door. 

Recently, Susana and her fiancé Jimmy went to the mountains. As they were looking out over the landscape Susana said to Jimmy, "I think I can pick you up." Jimmy being a tall stalky guy said, "No, you can't." As Susana persisted, Jimmy decided to have some fun with it and make a bet with her.

To Susana the challenge was on. Just before she attempted to lift Jimmy up, she called on God and said, "Father, in the name of Jesus Christ" and she lifted Jimmy up off his feet to where Jimmy had to tell her to put him down. Susana had no pain. No problems whatsoever with her back.

© 2022 by Winning at the Race of Life

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